"I simply had a lovely time."
The only person who can say this without bugging the shit out of me is an aristocratic woman, not born in the US, who is stunningly beautiful.

Even just a lady, irregardless of looks, as long as she's rich and pampered.

Here's the real problem. A man of any kind. No matter if he's rich, pampered, foreign, gay, straight. Doesn't matter.

If you aren't a woman that qualifies as a socialite from a country that is not the US, you should probably not use the word. "Lovely" is one of those words that tend to replace more accurate words such as "beautiful", "pleasant", and "enjoyable" in order to add an elegant or regal tilt. Unless you were born into an incredibly wealthy family and have lived an exclusively pampered lifestyle, using the word lovely to describe anything other than your lover pretty much guarantees you are full of shit.
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